/* globals GalleryYTPlayer, YT, GalleryVKPlayer, VK */ import { getScrollbarWidth } from '@advdominion/get-scrollbar-width'; const getYTPlayer = () => { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'https://www.youtube.com/player_api'; script.async = true; document.body.append(script); }; const getVKPlayer = () => { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'https://vk.com/js/api/videoplayer.js'; script.async = true; document.body.append(script); }; const playVideo = (slide) => { const youtube = slide.querySelector('.advdominion-lg__video_youtube'); const vk = slide.querySelector('.advdominion-lg__video_vk'); if (youtube) { if (slide.YTPlayer) { slide.YTPlayer.playVideo(); } else if (window.YT) { if (GalleryYTPlayer.state) { slide.YTPlayer = new YT.Player(youtube, { videoId: youtube.dataset.id, events: { onReady(event) { event.target.playVideo(); }, }, }); } else { GalleryYTPlayer.addListener(() => { playVideo(slide); }); } } else { getYTPlayer(); GalleryYTPlayer.addListener(() => { playVideo(slide); }); } } else if (vk) { if (slide.VKPlayer) { slide.VKPlayer.play(); } else if (window.VK?.VideoPlayer) { if (GalleryVKPlayer.state) { slide.VKPlayer = VK.VideoPlayer(vk); slide.VKPlayer.on('inited', () => { slide.VKPlayer.play(); }); } else { GalleryVKPlayer.addListener(() => { playVideo(slide); }); } } else { getVKPlayer(); GalleryVKPlayer.addListener(() => { playVideo(slide); }); } } }; const pauseVideo = (slide) => { const youtube = slide.querySelector('.advdominion-lg__video_youtube'); const vk = slide.querySelector('.advdominion-lg__video_vk'); if (youtube && slide.YTPlayer) { slide.YTPlayer.pauseVideo(); } else if (vk && slide.VKPlayer) { slide.VKPlayer.pause(); } }; const setVideoSize = (gallery) => { const items = gallery.querySelectorAll('.advdominion-lg__video-wrapper'); items[0].style = ` width: ''; `; let height = (items[0].getBoundingClientRect().width * 9) / 16; let width = ''; if (height > items[0].getBoundingClientRect().height) { height = items[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; width = `${(height * 16) / 9}px`; } for (const item of items) { item.style = ` height: ${height}px; width: ${width}; `; } }; const hide = async (duration = 500, easing = 'linear') => { const gallery = document.body.querySelector('.advdominion-lg'); await gallery.animate([{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0 }], { duration, easing, }).finished; gallery.remove(); document.body.style = ` overflow: ''; margin-right: ''; `; }; const show = async (duration = 500, easing = 'linear') => { const gallery = document.body.querySelector('.advdominion-lg'); document.body.style = ` overflow: hidden; margin-right: ${getScrollbarWidth()}px `; await gallery.animate([{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 }], { duration, easing, }).finished; }; const init = async (items = [], options = {}, index = 0) => { const [{ default: Swiper }, { Navigation, Pagination }] = await Promise.all([ import('swiper'), import('swiper/modules'), ]); const isVideoInGallery = { yt: false, vk: false, }; items = items.map((item) => { if (/youtube\.com\/watch\?v=/.test(item)) { isVideoInGallery.yt = true; return `
Загрузка YouTube-плеера...
`; } else if (/vkvideo\.ru\/video/.test(item)) { isVideoInGallery.vk = true; const videoId = /vkvideo.ru\/video(-?\d+)_(\d+)/.exec(item); if (videoId === null) { return `
Ошибка при загрузке VK-плеера
`; } return `
`; } return `
`; }); if (isVideoInGallery.yt && !window.GalleryYTPlayer) { window.GalleryYTPlayer = { state: false, get init() { return this.state; }, set init(val) { this.state = val; for (const i of this.callback) { i(val); } }, callback: [], addListener(callback) { this.callback.push(callback); }, }; window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = () => { window.GalleryYTPlayer.init = true; }; } if (isVideoInGallery.vk && !window.GalleryVKPlayer) { window.GalleryVKPlayer = { state: false, get init() { return this.state; }, set init(val) { this.state = val; for (const i of this.callback) { i(val); } }, callback: [], addListener(callback) { this.callback.push(callback); }, }; const checkInterval = setInterval(() => { if (window.VK?.VideoPlayer) { clearInterval(checkInterval); window.GalleryVKPlayer.init = true; } }, 100); } document.body.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', `
${options.pagination || ''} ${options.navigation || ''}
`, ); const gallery = document.body.querySelector('.advdominion-lg'); gallery.querySelector('.advdominion-lg__container').style = ` visibility: hidden; `; await show(options?.animation?.show?.duration, options?.animation?.show?.easing); const swiper = new Swiper( gallery.querySelector('.advdominion-lg__container'), Object.assign({ modules: [Navigation, Pagination], init: false, initialSlide: index }, options.swiper), ); swiper.on('init', function () { gallery.querySelector('.advdominion-lg__container').style = ` visibility: ''; `; if (this.slides[this.activeIndex].classList.contains('advdominion-lg__item_video')) { playVideo(this.slides[this.activeIndex]); } if (isVideoInGallery.yt || isVideoInGallery.vk) { setVideoSize(gallery); } }); swiper.on('slideChange', function () { if (this.slides[this.previousIndex].classList.contains('advdominion-lg__item_video')) { pauseVideo(this.slides[this.previousIndex]); } if (this.slides[this.activeIndex].classList.contains('advdominion-lg__item_video')) { playVideo(this.slides[this.activeIndex]); } }); swiper.on('resize', function () { if (isVideoInGallery.yt || isVideoInGallery.vk) { setVideoSize(gallery); } }); swiper.init(); gallery.querySelector('.advdominion-lg__close').addEventListener('click', () => { hide(options?.animation?.hide?.duration, options?.animation?.hide?.easing); }); document.querySelector('body').addEventListener( 'keydown', (e) => { if (e.key === 'Escape') { hide(options?.animation?.hide?.duration, options?.animation?.hide?.easing); } }, { once: true, }, ); }; export const gallery = (container, options) => { const items = []; if (options.single) { items.push(container.href); container.addEventListener('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); init(items, options); }); } else { for (const [index, element] of [...container.children].entries()) { items.push(element.href); element.addEventListener('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); init(items, options, index); }); } } };